

iCardio Branding

iCardio is an online platform providing general information on cardiovascular diseases. Cardiologist Gilles Goulet, conscious of the impact on a patient of learning that he or she has a heart problem and of the shock caused by this news, wanted to provide a means for supporting patients.


The Bob Henry Agency was mandated for the creation of informational videos on the different aspects of heart disease to help patients better understand their condition.


For this client, we have produced a series of motion design capsules to popularize the various issues related to heart disease.

The challenge that Bob Henry Agency had to face for this client was to popularize extremely complex scientific information and to translate it for a mainstream audience, using clear videos that are understandable by anyone.

We have therefore worked on dense scientific content to make it permeable, with as much accuracy and pedagogy as possible. To do this, we used animated illustrations and scripts easy enough to follow and understand.